All quiet on the Amsterdam front…

wp-1477646678764.jpgWell, not really. It might look that way, but it’s actually been another hectic week behind the scenes. On top of all that, we’re also organising our annual Halloween bash with our friends (you should see the living room right now, oh wait, here’s a picture). It’s something we do every year, and this year it’s going to ring out the last major party from us until our Kickstarter launch next year March.

Yes you read that right, March 2017 is turning from pencil into ink on our calendars. We have plans for the exact dates, but until we’re 100% sure about pegging them down, we’re going to keep those cards close to our chest.

img_20161026_094358It does mean a lot of our work has shifted from BaRPG towards the Kickstarter launch of BaRPG… which will be called something else. If you’ve got a keen eye, you’ll probably have seen the direction we’re heading towards. Don’t worry though, it’s still the same BaRPG game you know and love, only we’ve managed to make it even better! So many changes, we’re so excited about! I wish I could share more here but that would take the thunder out of our Kickstarter launch.

img_20161020_175515Needless to say, if you do wanna know more, come to our events. Like last Thursday at Roest, where our little get together was a fun collection of old and new faces. We had a small enough group to try out the Kickstarter edition, making on the spot changes to the game play rules, the character cards, and even some items. 4 games later, we had something which worked a treat!

I’m busy in the meantime getting in touch with game manufacturers worldwide, gathering quotes, information, and some great advice towards printing 1st ed. We actually met up with 3 of them at Spiel, and that was actually good to talk one on one, bouncing ideas back and forth, better understanding what they can do and them understanding what we’re aiming for. Those guys are working the numbers for us, and with a few already in it’s also up to me as “the numbers guy” (Phil’s quote) to figure out the financials for the Kickstarter campaign.

We’re selling the last 50 packs (soon to be 49) fast as well, and again like we’ve said so many times, those packs are going to be your ticket to a real big ‘THANK YOU” from us when we launch at Kickstarter. We’re working out the finer details to that, but rest assured it’ll be a great deal for the initial 200 supporters of BaRPG.

spellenspektakelAs for upcoming events? We’re stoked to be at Spellenspektakel in Eindhoven on November 12 and 13th. Not only will we have a great chance to show off our game amongst the Indie tables, but they’ve also asked us to introduce the game in their ‘preview bar’, on camera! Very exciting stuff, and I’m sure we’re gonna make one helluva splash in Eindhoven.

So yeah, not really all that quiet. Just not as loud as always 😉

Until then, keep questing you fine drunks!




Blast from the Past

img_20160106_211019Many might not know the full story of BaRPG beyond what we’ve shared on this website. Our steps from initial pub-crawl joke, to continual testing and development with our friends, up until our initial 200 beta pack run of the game has seen us playing hundreds of games of BaRPG now.
img_20160315_001125Getting to this point has been a lot of hard work, but I would be lying if I said developing a drinking game hasn’t been fun. One of those moments was back in the cold dark days of early January this year, when Phil’s best mate Ben and his friend Matt came to visit us as part of their Eurotrip. We took them to Brugge, and whilst playing the night away at St. Christopher’s hostel’s bar (along with now BaRPG-, and our friend Iris who works there), we introduced them to the game. At the time Phil and I were still bumbling along the idea of whether or not we should publish the game. It was after this night when Ben and Matt convinced us that BaRPG deserves to go to Kickstarter.

We don’t remember much from that night. It was Belgium, they have amazing beer. What we did do was take along an old-fashioned disposable camera, which we filled with random shots all through that night.

Guess who got the film developed just this week? Everyone loves photos right? Enjoy….

brugge-photos-18 Cheers!

brugge-photos-17 brugge-photos-15brugge-photos-16 brugge-photos-14 brugge-photos-11brugge-photos-10brugge-photos-08 Drmunk (Ben) ‘blesses’ the dice

brugge-photos-07brugge-photos-05brugge-photos-04brugge-photos-03brugge-photos-02 Phil has to ‘charm’ Ben… 1 hours into game

brugge-photos-01 Ben: “Drink and f***** die”


Weisszards, Meadiums, and Quotes

This last week has seen us focusing on the next steps towards Kickstarter, with two main directions in our focus.

packs-in-boxFirst, we’ve been looking up quotes to produce our next edition for Kickstarter, which will be a much larger quantity than our initial 200 packs. We’re thinking somewhere between 3000-5000 to get us started! We’ve got quotes running from several different producers, and are looking at our production options. Bear in mind there are several steps to this; card printing, box manufacture, pack assembly, quality sealing… we haven’t started on fulfillment yet! It’s exciting, and I’m personally glad we’re nailing these details down now.

img_20161001_165136On the other side of things, we’re finally starting to collate the feedback we received from our players. Our thinking caps went back on, and we did something we haven’t done in a long time: thought up (new) characters! It was serious fun, and a lot easier than the first time we endeavored on this adventure. We’ll call that progress, folks!

2016-10-05_10_54_58What we ended up with is a whole list of 7 extra characters to juggle around with. Because of this we’ve decided that our First Edition on Kickstarter will have a slightly different character line-up (2 will be replaced to be precise) and one item card type less. Those other characters and item cards? Those will be offered as a (game changers) expansion pack , which will be one of our first stretch goals for the campaign. Disclaimer; This isn’t final yet, but a very good chance this is the way we’re gonna head.

Needless to say these new characters needed testing. On Saturday we tried some of them out at Brouwerij ‘t Ij and the rest at Sunday’s gaming afternoon at TonTon.  Our new characters worked beautifully, which focus most on group activities, which people seem to prefer.

Curious about the new characters? Best way to find out is to catch us up at one of our upcoming events! Listings are always on our Facebook page.

Meanwhile we continue selling, and with a recent restocking at Waterstones in Amsterdam, we’re down to 69 packs left. YES! We’re selling out fast now!! If you still wanna snab a pack, now’s your last chance for the one and only limited edition Beta’s – and all Beta supporters will be given first access to our Kickstarter along with a big thank you reward in the campaign!

We’re planning up more events, stay tuned for those to be listed shortly!

Until then, keep questing you fine drunks!


Pintcess in Dutch is the ‘Vaas-prinsesje’

…But not literally, not yet. We haven’t translated the character or item names, but what do have now is…

(drum roll)

BaRPG’s First Translation Cheat Sheet! Our initial version is in Dutch, which makes sense. We’re based in Amsterdam, and often while demo-ing the game to the Dutchies, we find we need to explain a few things on the cards now and then. We’ve always felt a cheat-sheet would be the best way to help our players out, something they could print out and take along with them.

So, after a long evening of wine, giggles, and translation conundrums, our lovely neighbour Margreet (‘buurvrouw’, translated directly into ‘neighbour-wife’) and I finally had version 1.0 of the very first Translation Cheat Sheet ready!

We hope more will come, but that really depends on our growing community of BaRPGers. So, are you any good at translating English into your native tongue and wanna give us a hand? Send us an e-mail ( and we’ll direct you to a master translation sheet on google drive to hack away at.

We’ve already put the Dutch sheet to the test, and with another sale at Brouwerij ‘t Ij (our local, a windmill micro brewery… yes we’re blessed!) the translation sheet officially/unofficially saw the light of day. We’re going to be testing it a lot more this weekend both on Saturday with a last minute appearance at the Bier Fabriek (more to come shortly on our Facebook page) and our upcoming gaming afternoon at TonTon club this Sunday. If you’re in town, come round and check us out. We’re gonna also be testing a new character!

Did I give that away? 😉

Until then, keep questing you fine drunks!


BaRPG Beta Update 1.1

We’ve always said our Beta deck was going to be open for improvements and changes, and after countless games during our demo campaign this summer, we’re ready to formally announce and release our first update to your beta packs.

It’s actually nothing majorly huge or anything, and has an interesting and direct influence on the game duration. We’ve noticed that having two “Spirit of the Vengeful Liver” items in a playing deck, although fun and vengeful, can make games last a long time. Our personal record was 3:30 hours. This might not be ideal for everyone. We’ve recently been doing games with only one “Liver”, and immediately we noticed game play went down to around 45 minutes to 1:20 hours. More recently we’ve even tested without any livers, and games last no more than 40 minutes.

So, as our first ever update, here’s a way to influence your maximum game times, depending on how many ‘Spirit of the Vengeful Liver’ cards you use in the item deck:

2 Livers = Longest games, more than 1:30 hours
1 Liver = Medium games, 0:45 – 1:20 
No Livers = Short games, less than 0:40 minutes (no guts, no glory!)

Hope this helps make some of your BaRPG games even more fun. If we have any more major changes to announce, we’ll be sure to let you know again.

Until then, keep questing you fine BaRPGers!

~Johno & Phil

Servus Pretty Pink Pintcess!

img_20160917_134054As some of you have already seen our Twitter and Facebook posts, for our latest event at Roest (Amsterdam) for their Oktoberfest celebrations I managed to score a couple of costumes. For Phil, he was the Barbarian, For I, the Pintcess. I’m going to level with you, this isn’t the first time I’ve worn a dress – the only difference is this time I did it for comedy.

img_20160917_134020We kicked off at 1pm, and after a quick photo shoot with some of the ROEST waitresses (done up like Bavarian Beer servers – 1 litre beers and all), we headed into the outdoors area of Roest, where we found our first group of eager players. For this first round, we saw the longest Drmunk dash ever to date, 150 meters across a city beach to an obsolete blue shipping crane – a relic of Amsterdam’s industrial past. Quote of that game was Michael shouting “Yeah bitches you like that?” Just goes to show you, in our game, revenge is a dish best served intoxicated.

img_20160917_141607Inside was a party too loud to play, so we stayed outdoors for the afternoon, playing another 4 games. We saw hilarious Brewid chains, witnessed some class act Pintcess charming (best one goes to Paul, who was royally rejected. Caught that one on video, watch this space!), and voted on dozens of Witches. All the while the beer mugs kept draining.

img_20160917_184907The costumes were successful in grabbing attention. We had augmented them with BaRPG which grabbed some notice during the final hours of the evening when playtime made way for dancing. Continually we were asked about this ‘adventure drinking game’ by people passing by. Turns out guys dressed as Subway sandwiches does bring home the bread!

img_20160917_193604Our next big event is at TonTon Club on Sunday October 2nd. We’re going to be in costumes again, hopefully along with translation cheat sheets for the Dutch, and with plenty of BaRPG posters and taglines.

On the ‘business’ side of things? We’re down to our last 80 packs, and they’re selling fast! So if you want one of the original Beta packs of BaRPG (and these are, and will always be, one of a kind), now’s the time to order them!

We’ve also got an formal announcement coming up this week regarding gameplay, so once again, watch this space!

Until then, keep questing you fine drunks,




Uni Night out and Facebook Commercialisation

This week has been a great building up for the busy months ahead. We joined in the Vrij Universiteit’s freshmen intro gaming night at Roest, and had some epic games of BaRPG. It turns out Uni students especially love the evil facets of the Brewid, as we saw the longest 150m dash to the DJ booth ever! Similarly there was an epic PaleAledin non-witch argument given by Abdul, “I’m so sad, I want to be a witch! But Hogwarts won’t even take me! So I can’t be a witch, and I’m really disappointed.”

IMG_20160829_195634Three games and 2 and a half hours later, the hall turned into a major party zone, and our time there with BaRPG was over. We sold packs, got people interested, and even made a new RPG friend! What a great night! Thanks again to Megan and Carly from the VU for having us, and also thanks to Bea at Roest for suggesting us to them.

IMG_20160817_231331On the other side of things, our behind-the-scenes work has finally borne fruit. After much deliberation and work on the giant BaRPG board (on our kitchen cupboards), we finally came up with our advertising tagline for Facebook; “The New Pick-Up and Play Drinking Game taking North America by Storm. Play for Shots and Giggles… Anywhere with your Friends.” Proud? Damn right we are! And since 8pm last night this ad with various photos is making it’s way through the Facebook news feeds of American and Canadian gaming enthusiasts… Yes, we’ve joined the evil league of commercial social media users.

If you’re reading this because of that ad, Welcome! Feel free to e-mail or facebook message us any questions you have, and sign up to our newsletter for the latest…

IMG_20160829_193047OK, enough marketing for now (he says whilst writing a development blog, lol). We’re going to start looking at the final changes for first edition, and for if we hit Kickstarter, also where and how we can produce the cards, expedite them, etc. It’s a big, big, big list. All along we’re going to be checking how our Facebook ads are doing and adjusting them as necessary.

Maybe I should’ve followed my best friend and gone to Uni to study marketing… VU, any spots left? ;-P

Until then, keep questing you fine drunks!




Print ‘n Play Away!

Printnplay pageIt’s here Ladies and Gents! Our Print’n’Play edition. Yes, we’ve stuck with the fisher-price toy name, but we like the ring it has to it. After much hard work getting the PDF files ready, the email to download page set up, and the download link email automation set up (lost of dusting off the old HTML guides there), we’ve now launched our dedicated part of the site for the Print’n’Play edition. Wanna see?

In other news I’ve just entered the next coming two events into our calendar. September 7th we’re at Ton Ton club, the gaming cafe, for their birthday celebrations! Can’t wait to show them our madness once again. And then on the 17th of September we’ve been invited to join ROEST for their Oktoberfest event! That’s gonna be ‘schone und geil’, can’t wait to see a Pintcess in lederhosen!

IMG_20160811_200624I did mention 2 events, and I kinda lied. We’ve got a third one coming up beginning next week, but it’s actually a private do! The Vrij Universiteit is having their new students welcoming event at ROEST that night, and we’ve been invited again to come and help ‘break the ice’, or siege the castle if you like. Super duper chuffed we’ve been asked to help out for this, and we honestly can’t wait.

One the retail side of things our game continues to fly out of the shop doors. Phil recently had to once again restock the Gamekeeper. So if you don’t feel like the wait for postage (which is only a day, but hey!), you can snab a copy at theirs, as well as at Schaak & Go, the American Book Center, and Waterstones.

So, busy busy busy end of summer. Lovin’ it.

Until then, keep questing you fine drunks!
