(New) Cards on the table

Today’s our live stream of an actual game of BaRPiG, and we can’t wait! Looking forward to hearing your feedback on the crazy that will be a game of BaRPiG – Here’s the Live Stream link: https://live.kickstarter.com/johno-and-phil-barpig-gurus/live/barpigs-live-game-stream

We’re also in on our 9th day of campaigning. That’s only 9 days left to snab your copy of BaRPiG as one of the first in the World! Check out our pledges that start from €11 / $11.70 / £9.50 – http://kickstarter.barpig.eu

We’re also busy updating our Character and Item cards. This was always on the table as part of our development process, and after having talked about it with MJ as well as receiving feedback from our supporters, we’ve come to release our Brand New Card layouts. We think they look amazing, we’re hoping to hear what you guys think!

Character Cards:

Item Cards:

There’s a poll on Twitter about this, feel free to fill it in! Or just shoot us an e-mail or Facebook message!

Until tonight, keep on questing you fine BaRPiGs!


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